Monday, November 20, 2006

Monday Early Noos!

The Cat Blogosphere Calendar is ready! Woo hoo! Mommy didded the whole big 12 month calendar and a lil whole year calendar AND a mini poster. All the profits (meanin, above what cafepress charges) go to our furriends who need help, like Brandi for instance. :) So you can buy gifties *and* help our furriends all at the same time. How cool is that?!?! Go check it out. :) UPDATE: Bloggin Cat Collage t-shirts n stuff were added too cuz Mommy was asked where they were. hehehe

Oh, and tell all your furriends too!

Invitashun from Ferdinand! Party at Ferdinand's!

Ferdinand ginger cat requests the pleasure of your comapny at a soireewhich is to be held on the 24th of November hosted by the ranconteur and bon vivant Ferdinand the most handsome ginger cat.

Ree-purrted by Sanjee


We'll give ya credit and a linky if ya wants, when you ree-purrts cat news!
And you gets our big lotsa appreshyashun n our fanks! :)

Need purrs n purrayers for kitties or ofur critters & their beans, or got praise for 'em?
Let the folks at the Pet Prayer & Praise Bloggy know too!

1 comment:

Victor Tabbycat said...

Sanjee, the calendar looks GREAT! We can't wait to get one or more.
I gots a question on the invite to Ferdi's... what's "RSVP?" Sounds like sumfin Bonnie would say by growlin or hissin wif her mouf full (and I should know).