Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Toosday News

Sanjee's visiting Miles today and KC's Mom's computer has been acting up, so I'm unofficially helping out with the news ree-purrting.


MeezerMom, Miles and Sammy's Mom, is having an operation today. Send lots of purrayers and purrs and good wishes her way please.


Sweet Ariel posted about a free sample we cats can get. And it's FOOD! Yay! Fanks Ariel :)


Tilly of the Tower Hill Mob is feeling a lot better, and she sends her thanks for all the good wishes and purrayers.


It's Tabby Tortie and Tuxie Tuesday. I'm not up on who's celebrating what, so it's a short list. Let me know who to add please. I'm not going to go over to Mile's and ask Sanjee. I'd never live it down.

Tabby Tuesday Kitties: Missy, Emily (a Tortie Tabby or Torbie),

Tortie Tuesday Kitties: Catzee, KC, Emily (a Tortie Tabby or Torbie),

Tuxie Tuesday Kitties: Me! Mini, Knightly, Boo, Lacey Bunns at Daisy Mae Maus's Blog

Tuesday Trio: Emma

If you know of any cats celebrating Tabby, Tortie or Tuxie Tuesday, let us know and we'll add their link.

Check out Emma's new template, in stunning tuxie colors of black white and shocking pink. Let Kat know what you think!

Re-purrted by Mini
(Standing in for Sanjee Who's Visiting Miles)


We'll give ya credit and a linky if ya wants, when you ree-purrts cat news!
And you gets our big lotsa appreshyashun n our fanks! :)


KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

o, mini, that wuz a verry good post of tha noos.

fanks so much fur helpin me 'n Sanjee outs....u did a good job.

Emma's Kat said...

Yes, Mini, you did an excellent job! Thanks for mentioning Emma's blog!