Saturday, October 21, 2006

Saturday Noos

Well, Derby's par-tee is in full swing, take a looks at Kimo 'n Sabi this mornin.... wow, 'n this wuz jus tha furrst night... what'll them guys look like tomorrow mornin???????

(u kin clik ta biggify)

William (of Mass Destruction) posts that Digby's mom got a new kittie and a new blog, so stop by and welcome Chloe to the Cat Blogosphere.

anofur new (to me) bloggie is Frostin's Chronicles which i finded at Millie's bloggie.

Ayla's Mommie is now officially a nerd wif hers promotion to Librarian. Yea to Ayla, fur more stinky goodness...'n a smart mommie.

1 comment:

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

o, its way cool. i missed a race, but gots ta plays on a tramp-o lene.