Sunday, December 03, 2006

Speeshul Ree-purrt

Effuryone, go checks Jack's bloggie... be warned furrst, it be skeery...

we may needs to telerport over 'n helps him... be sure's ta take plenty of Mao & Rocky's Vishus Deer Repelunt.

that would haf ta be furry furry bad for a valiant viking kittie to need our help...
fanks, Cocoa, fur telling me abouts this...


We'll give ya credit and a linky if ya wants, when you ree-purrts cat news!
And you gets our big lotsa appreshyashun n our fanks! :)

Need purrs n purrayers for kitties or ofur critters & their beans, or got praise for 'em?
Let the folks at the Pet Prayer & Praise Bloggy know too!

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