Don't Furrget
Noo Yeers Gathering
WHEN: Noo Yeer's Eve 10pm EST til the last kitty leeves!
(Use the World Time Clock Converter to figger what time fur yoo)
WHERE: Hot(M)BC Bloggy
WHO: Bloggin Cats & their Beans, Bun Furriends, and Nice Woofie Furriends
WHY: Cuz it's fun!
We'll haf nip n toys n fresh water n russianless white russians n champagne n snax fur kitty, bean, bun, & nice woofies n party hats n stuff fur efurrybody :)
o, an music too. An words to that song efurrycat sings on Noo Yeers cuz we kin nefur reemember them. hehehe
Misty writed an egg-sellent ree-purrt on kittie collars.
Thursday (12/28) wuz offishully William's 2nd Bloggoversary aka Blackberries (u's haf to read him's post for that one!), 'n tha celly-brashun will be next week! Yea!
Tha hi-tech kitties at It's All Good discovered Snap on Skeezix's bloggie. That's tha coolest fing i's seen in a while... you hover your mousie over a link 'n it shows u's an itty-bitty pickshure of tha bloggie. wow.
Henry M is hostin a Super Bowl par-tee on February 4th beginning at 5 pm (Eastern time)... check out his bloggie fur tha detales...
Mr. Zenith, a Bengal cat, enjoys some yummie drummy's fur breakfast.
Skeezix emails: Jeter Harris has a new baby bruther! His dad has bin feeding him for a wile and finely deesided to bring him home! Three cheers for Jeter's Dad!
UPDATE: from Jeter Harris hisself: mi grate frend skeezix announced it first ... but i want u to know dat i hav a noo brudder named "matsui" (dat'z mat-soo-ee fer da grate yankee--hideki matsui) heez still in kwaranteen ... but heez 6 months old, weighz 5 1/2 poundz, an heez a black an whitey domestic medium-long hair. (wut'z"domestic"?) yer frend--jh
Don't furrget tha Carnival of the Cats Sunday, 12/31, at Watermark. Submit ur's bloggie 'n if'n u don't know how, jus ask. we's be glad to help ya.
Sweet Ariel haf posted two reely nice poems on hers bloggie, Lend Me a Kitten 'n tha Kitty's Bedtime Prayer.
UPDATE: Anofurer Ariel, sisfur of Tocchet, Lemieux & Captain (a nice woofie) was furry furry sick earlier today. She wuz taken to the Animal ER wif a fever of 104.5, wouldn't eat or drink or use tha litter box. They has hers fever down now, she is on IV 'n they's running tests. Mom Ann hopes she maybe able to go home tomorry. Keep Ariel 'n fambly in urs purrayers.
Freya, the Little Cat, now haf a lil brofur, Snuggles. he is furry cute, him's got reely big ears, think hims must be a frootbat. here's what Freya emailed: O, I just want to say that I haff a funny lookin' brofur now that the man rescued today. :)
Purrrrsssss.... KC

We'll give ya credit and a linky if ya wants, when you ree-purrts cat news!
And you gets our big lotsa appreshyashun n our fanks! :)
Need purrs n purrayers for kitties or ofur critters & their beans, or got praise for 'em?
Let the folks at the Pet Prayer & Praise Bloggy know too!
1 comment:
You throw an excellent party, I will be there!
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