Friday, December 15, 2006

Party at Ella's This weekend!

Fanks LOTS to Smeagol and Strider who ree-minded us:

It's Party Time This Weekend!
Ella's hafing a weekend long party this weekend for efurryone wif December Purrthdays and Gotcha Days! Here's what she saided.

"Also mom said we can have a purrty at our place this weekend! We're having it here on our blog to celebrate all of the December birfdays/gotcha days and the holidays! So if anyone wants to join us, feel free! We're gonna be here all weekend, but maybe not the whole time cause we can only get online when our mom is here. We tried to convince her to stay inside all weekend with us, but she sez she can't sit in front of the computer 48 hrs straight. Oh well. If anyone wants to join in the fun, feel free to drop by!"
So let's drop in when we cans cuz it sounds like fun!

Tip: If none of the ways to comment on beta blogger werks for you, you can try what we did. We opened a new google account so's we could haf it on beta blogger just to comment. Use a different email addressy so's you can get a login but don't gotta move your bloggy if you don't want to. A'course, blogger's got lotsa weird bloopers tooday, so who knows if anyfing will werk. hehehe I's curious to see if this post will efun go up!

Purrrrrrrrrs and ree-purrrrrrrrrrs, Sanjee


We'll give ya credit and a linky if ya wants, when you ree-purrts cat news!
And you gets our big lotsa appreshyashun n our fanks! :)

Need purrs n purrayers for kitties or ofur critters & their beans, or got praise for 'em?
Let the folks at the Pet Prayer & Praise Bloggy know too!


Louise said...

Just wanted to stop by and say 'Hello' and Nugget says 'meowrrr' he has an unusual meow;) Stop by when you get a chance...and check out my new blog
Have a great weekend!

Emma's Kat said...

Cool, I'll stop by if I get a chance. Dec. 18 is actually Emma's Gotcha Day! She was my b-day present from my hubby! And because she choose me and wanted to stay with us!